Benjamin Blackett




Now Available for Online Coaching


Benjamin’s pedigree is an incredible curiosity. Tracing backwards in time from this very day: his sister is a wonderfully talented artist, his great grandfather invented supermarkets for all intents and purposes, Great Grandfather (x4) gave Paul Revere a ride across the Charles River in Boston, his family designed and built the dome of the Massachusetts Statehouse, and their family crest is emblazoned above Fanueil Hall in Boston. Cherry on top… this is the same family that invented fire extinguishers.

ABOUT Benjamin

Benjamin Blackett’s greatest passion is leading women ages 30 – 55 who are feeling stuck in relationships or their professional lives through proven, reliable, and repeatable steps that empower them to live vibrant, abundant and love-filled lives. He is the founder of A Creative Healing Place, a Life Mastery Consultant, TranscenDance™️ Facilitator and Transformational Adventure Retreat Leader. Benjamin has shared the stage with Mary Morrissey, Jennifer Jimenez, and Jack Canfield. A 2x Internationally best-selling author, he has been featured on CBS News, ABC, NBC, and FOX. Now he is on a mission to help 1,000,000 people live empowered lives that help spread peace throughout the world by 2033.

retreat to France

Please watch this video…

Ways That I Serve


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Work With Me

Group Coaching

When we connect with a tribe of people with similar values and beliefs, amazing things can happen. You expand your network of valuable connections. You get to give and receive help and support. You get to experience that priceless feeling of being part of something greater than yourself. My Group Coaching clients benefit not just from the coaching process, but also from peer learning with others. Plus, many of my clients find coaching in a group puts them “less on the spot”, giving them more time to reflect and integrate their insights.

Private 1:1 Coaching

The power of personal coaching lies in the fact that it provides an individual with the most critical ingredient for extraordinary, consistent success: ongoing support, detailed action plans, constructive feedback and, most importantly, high level perspective. When a person knows that they will be regularly masterminding with a coach – someone who is going to give them unwavering encouragement and high-level support all the way to the finish line – that person’s commitment, enthusiasm, and belief in their goal increases exponentially.


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